General Information:
Welcome to the DeKalb County School District Family Dashboard for PreK3/Pre-K Applications!
Create an account so you can fill out the online applications. All applications will be processed electronically. All applications will be checked for accuracy. Any falsification of information may result in your application not being processed and/or denied.
*Please also note that this website is optimized for IE 10.0 and higher, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.
Available for 2024-2025 School Year
PreK Application (PK3) (February 27, 2024 - March 21, 2024)
PreK Application (PK4) (February 27, 2024 - March 21, 2024)
Welcome to the DeKalb County School District Pre-K3 and Pre-Kindergarten 2024-2025 Online Application
Before you begin the online application process please gather the required documents and information. Eligible birthdates for the 2024-2025 Pre-K3 lottery are September 2, 2020-September 1, 2021. Eligible birthdates for the for the 2024-2025 Pre-Kindergarten lottery are September 2, 2019- September 1, 2020.
DeKalb County School District Application Process
- Parent’s email address is needed to apply online
- Upload required documents listed below
- Check your email and/or Parent electronic dashboard for notification
- If awarded a seat, accept or decline your seat within 14 days
- If accepted, upload the required additional documents to either your parent portal or if you are new to DeKalb the online registration portal during the Enrollment Window, April 15-26, 2024
- If you are placed on a Waitlist, monitor your email closely for seat assignment possibility and further directions
- Children will not be formally enrolled in the Pre-Kindergarten program until parents and/or guardians have completed the registration process. Children who do not attend the first day of school before 10 AM will forfeit their space in the Pre-K class.
Documents Needed for Pre-K3 and Pre-K
Documents required to be uploaded during the on-line application process in order for your application to be considered for the lottery.
- Proof of birth (Your child must be three years old on or before September 1, 2024 to attend Pre-K3. Your child must be four years old on or before September 1, 2024 to attend Pre-K)
- Original certified birth certificate, Hospital Record of Live Birth, Green Card, Pink Card or Federal I-94 Card; or child’s passport
- Proof of legal guardianship(If applicable)
- Only required if your name is not on the child's birth certificate
- Parent/Guardian proof of identification
- Valid state or government issued photo ID, such as a Georgia Driver’s license, or a valid U.S. passport ID
- Proof of Parent/Guardian Georgia Residency*
- Mortgage or lease/rental agreement in your name, OR an electric, gas, or water bill in your name, cable and phone bills are not acceptable
- *If you are living with someone and you do not have a lease, mortgage or utility bill in your name, you must submit the following: A signed and notarized Affidavit of Residency AND a lease/mortgage statement or utility bill in the name of the person that you are living with AND a form of mail in the name of the child’s guardian showing a matching address to the affidavit.
Additional documents required to be uploaded during the registration process if your child is awarded a seat.
- Child’s original Social Security Card OR “Waiver”
- If a waiver is needed, it will be provided to you during the enrollment window
- Child’s Peachcare card, Medicaid card, health insurance card, EBT card (food stamps) and/or TANF (If applicable)
- Immunization Certificate (3231)
- Vision, Hearing, Nutrition, and Dental Screening Certificate (3300)
Pre-K seat assignments are contingent upon validation of required documents.
Further Information Regarding Pre-K3 or Pre-K
If you still have questions regarding Pre-K3, you can visit the FAQ’s page at https://www.dekalbschoolsga.org/early-learning-initiative/
If you still have questions regarding Pre-K, you can visit the FAQ’s page at https://www.dekalbschoolsga.org/pre-k/
District Information DeKalb County School District |
Technical Support Scribbles Software, LLC Email: help@scribsoft.com. |
Business Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM